I can’t stop picking at my face when I’m bored, stressed or anxious. I’ve got acne as it is and it makes my face look so bad. I always regret it when I look in the mirror and feel guilt and shame, but at the time I cannot stop. How can I stop doing it and stop hating myself for it?
Does anyone else pick at objects? Such as phone cases, steering wheels, chairs? I inherited Skin Picking Disorder from my dad and he also does this.
Any tips to stop or at least decrease skin picking? I particularly struggle with picking at my face (usually acne spots).
I'm on a good streak with not picking my legs which has been my biggest problem area for as long as I can remember, but now my picking has moved to my chest and stomach. Any advice?
So I have been unknowingly been dealing with dermatillomania for ten years now. I’ve tried to do research and am not finding anything that is super relevant to me. I mostly just pick around my hairline. I’m looking for tips on how to lessen it. Most advice I have found is focusing on how it looks, but since I pick on my hairline, nobody can even see the scabbing and scarring. Also thinking of shaving my head, if that would help. Any advice?
Hi friends! I have ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression, and most recently i’ve developed dermatillomania that I believe stemmed from my OCD. it has gotten a lot worse over time and if any of you struggle with it, do you have advice? thank you!
My fingers are just bloodied and scarred all the time and I keep getting sick from putting my fingers in my mouth to chew them that way. Any tips to stop or help stop?
I’ve been picking for as long as I can remember, always biting my nails and cuticles or picking at my arms, legs, and back. I spend hours a day picking or thinking about picking. I’ve talked to 3 separate doctors about it but they don’t seem to take me seriously when it comes to treatment. I’d love to know how to quit or even reduce the amount of time I pick or think about picking because I’ve been diagnosed but I’ve never been talked to about any type of treatment.
Does anyone have tips to just stop picking and scratching? I’m constantly picking at my fingers, face and scabs. It’s hard to just stop. It’s my stress relax for my anxiety I just pick and scratch. So does anyone have some good tips or skills?
Does anyone have any tips for dermatillomania? Mine is with my fingers, anytime I am bored it seems like I’m biting them and leaving them raw. Sometimes they will even bleed. Anytime I try not to do it it’s like I can only stop for a few days but then it gets right back to where I started /:
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Excoriation disorder (chronic skin picking, dermatillomania) is a mental disorder related to obsessive compulsive disorder and is characterized by repeated picking of the skin.
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