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Updated 11mo ago

Coping with Dermatillomania: Need Help!

I've had mild dermatillomania for about six years now (I only say "mild" because it's only a few spots on the face) and have been trying for all that time to stop. My anxiety and ADHD don't help, I need my hands doing something, but a stress ball, rubber band, band-aids, etc... All of them have lost their novelties really quickly. Any ideas on how to help, even a little bit?

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get a nintendo switch!! i literally say this to everyone bc it’s the best thing i’ve done for my picking. it requires two hands and makes it really hard to pick bc you get so absorbed in the game. i loved super mario galaxy, spiritfarer, hollow knight, and i’m currently playing breath of the wild



I also do crafts and use fidget toys as well as keeping Calm Strips near me at all times. I still pick sometimes but those things have helped some. I hope you find something that works for you.



I don’t like to pick my face after I’ve showered or washed which is one of my problem spots so if I start losing control I like to try n wash so I know I won’t wanna pick anymore after



You should try hydrocolloid “pimple patches”. They act as a barrier so you can’t pick at the spots while also relieving irritation and inflammation and flattening the spots, giving you less to pick at when you take them off.

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