Has anyone had Gamma Knife surgery? If so any problems after the surgery or from the surgery?
Hi, I’m interested in hearing some world views from different people who have similar physical experiences to myself. I have a tumor intertwined in my spinal cord which unfortunately can’t be removed without paralysis. Noticeable physical differences began when I was about 6. The left side of my body is weaker and more difficult to use, as I’ve grown older it’s become more difficult. My left arm feels stuck, and I walk with a weird hop due to the weakness in my left leg. Long story short I often feel alone in the world and I just want somebody to share my struggle and really understand my feelings. I’d love to connect with some people.
I have three meniginomas just recently found on a CT scan just wondering what my next steps are a craniotomy seems to be the recommended course of treatment or to observe and scan again in 6 Mos but I also have PAH wondering if a wait a see approach could be a mistake because if the PAH gets worse and can't handle surgery
I would like to know your experience with a meningioma. Mine is behind left eye affecting sight nerves and cradling carotid. I am a little overwhelmed. Thank you for sharing if you choose to.
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
A benign, non-cancerous, brain tumor is a tumor that develops slowly and, in most cases, will not spread to other areas of your brain and body.
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Benign Brain Or Nervous System Tumor.
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