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Updated 10mo ago

Struggling with Depression: How Do I Keep Going?

I know depression is… DEPRESSION but how the hell do I be okay? It’s not even some days anymore. I gone to the point that I just want to die. I can’t live for others and it’s not like I don’t like the future or anything. It just feels like I’m at my breaking point. I just sit and think about nothing because of how numb I feel everyday. And doing things just make it worse and more active. I just don’t want to do this anymore.

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I personally go through depressive waves. I’ve been dealing with it for quite some time and so I’ve come to know when my waves usually happen. Something that helped me was journaling or keeping a diary. It’s cliche BUT it’s nice to look at how you were feeling a few months ago compared to a depressive period and know that it comes and goes.



I feel this so hard. I don't have a good answer just wanted you to know you aren't alone. When I am in the grips of depression it feels like nothing helps except being in bed and cuddling with kitties. I am doing better this month because I am on a new medication that isnt awesome but doesnt completely suck. Sending positive hugs or whatever. I've been thinking lately that maybe a shock to the system would work? Like a freezing shower? But when I am super depressed I dont want to try anything and I definitely dont want to be uncomfortable. When I dont feel like crap I know it is only temporary and am trying to brainstorm what I will do when the depression takes over again. Hope you are talking to someone! >3

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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