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Warning:The content may contain sexual or violent material that could be triggering.



Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Severe Depression

I suffer from severe depression and I'm in a bad place right now. Nothing is helping

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If I can suggest something...? If not totally ignore this. ❤️ When I'm in a severe depressive episode, one that goes on for days, weeks, or even months, I try to do small things to break the pattern. Download a new app to play, watch a comedy video, just small things at first and gradually move up to bigger things like drawing, video games, reading, or something I 'used to' like doing. Sometimes it takes me a while, but I find breaking my habits and forming new ones, for better or worse, helps shift my depression to a tolerable state. Hope that helps a little. ❤️ Remember you're not alone.



this, definitely try this! I would like to add that doing things like cleaning and self care do a TON for depression. Even if it's only picking up a piece of trash and brushing your teeth and then working your way up from there :)



As long as you stay alive you’ve got the bare minimum down. Things could go upward anytime in the future. It’s okay be stagnant but try not to give up! My advice is try not to shame or guilt yourself. Being depressed is neither fun nor practical but it’s not morally wrong. Every moment you’re still here is great, even if you’re not having a good time right now. Best of luck to you, I hope things get better soon ♥️



thank you 🙏

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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