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What are your "sensory nightmares"? Mine include stepping in liquid with socks on and crumbs in my bedsheets or pockets. 😖

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    • Jameibumblebee


      Cream 🤢🤮 it's taste and texture is disgusting. Also same I hate wet socks from the unknown, crumbs on feet/bed. Sudden moderate to loud noises. Being in a group of more than 2 other people, I just shutdown or go.

    • Jameibumblebee


      Cream 🤢🤮 it's taste and texture is disgusting. Also same I hate wet socks from the unknown, crumbs on feet/bed. Sudden moderate to loud noises. Being in a group of more than 2 other people, I just shutdown or go.

    • Bubblesthesloth


      Seal fabric. Can't stand it.

    • rose28


      Silk just silk

    • ChaosPixie


      Certain types of synthetic type fabrics make my skin crawl.

    • Jay09


      Having sweaty / kind of wet hands with sand on them. Omg can't explain it but ew ew ew.

    • zozo131


      Mine is when glasses out of the dishwasher are squeaky and socks - cannot wear socks it makes me go into meltdown most times. Slime as well - can’t stand it 😫

    • dreaddy


      I have many but stepping on sand,eating cauliflower and lasagne as well as the texture of clay\play doh

    • MidlightTheNightFury


      My worst nightmare is literally wasps I hate them the fly around and sting you even when you stand at peace and people constantly telling me stay still when that is exactly how I got stung

      • dreaddy


        @MidlightTheNightFury I'm terrified of them and bees,last wasp sting I had was on my finger back around 2017 but me and my cousins were attacked by a swarm of bees back in the early 2000s,I was covered from head to toe in stings,I even got stung on my tongue and I've still got the inner scaring today

        • MidlightTheNightFury


          @dreaddy oh you poor thing I feel sorry for you I don’t mind bees because I guess I’ve been lucky enough to get on with bees

    • RissTheTiger


      Touching q-tips, cotton pads or similar. Eating spicy food. The feel and sound (and even just the thought of the feel of) styrofoam. Loud places (of any description) My teeth on wooden cutlery Spray Deodorant Fireworks

    • KadenceClaire


      Oh and wet socks

    • KadenceClaire


      Watered down hand soap and the feel/sound of styrofoam 🤮

    • thats.rough.buddy


      Any type of noise that I don't have control over is upsetting 😭. At least earbuds help me though because it gives me sound that I have the ability to control, which is calming. Stim toys also help me

    • AnimalBoy


      Styrofoam and cardboard rubbing together in pretty much any combo (styrofoam+styrofoam, styrofoam+cardboard, cardboard+cardboard) and dusty linoleum or fabrics.

      • AnimalBoy


        @AnimalBoy I also dont like the texture of touching most styrofoam or dusty cardboard

    • barbieburns


      When your washing the dishes and the wet glass scrapes together😭😭😭

    • Ash.G


      Mashed potatoes and anything that is not designed to be mashed. The exception is mushy peas and mashed plantain. I also hate the background base of rap. Ambulance cherrys and sirons, flickering lights on business signs ext. A certain type of light blue Christmas lights I can see flickering even when others don't. This is just the top of my list.

    • KatieKitKat


      Same, but also eating beans. They're mushy but my mind thinks they should be frim. I like edemamai (sp?) cuz they're frim even cooked. I also hate left over sand between my toes, fingers, & on my body. I like sand in large form, not left over on my skin

      • KatieKitKat


        @KatieKitKat Also when my nails scratch the inside of the washer machine & my teeth scraping on bones when I eat ribs or fried chicken.

    • Bluefire


      Going to grab a shirt at a store and having it be an awful texture. Also having someone with calloused fingers touch the back of my neck without me having an warning.

      • Bluefire


        @Bluefire Also having to go somewhere with a bunch of balloons, I hate those things

    • mamauwu


      Nails on a chalkboard - specifically my nails

    • cogsquatparsnip


      Being wet other than when in a shower,not having something soft on my feet and loud noises are my biggest ones

    • Alyss


      A specific type of zip tie from my childhood where even seeing a picture of it makes me nauseated. Wet paper and wet hair not attached to someone's head. My sister used to chew on her hair, and the thought still makes me wanna hurl. Also I get overwhelmed by lots of discordant noises. It feels like I'm being hit from all sides by walls of sound.

    • Rean


      I fine too many people a trigger for me or when people ask you too many things at once

    • KatyDinoconie


      I just audibly cringed at both of those.😥

    • TheKandiCollective


      I hate velvet, and seams. I also despise strong floral perfumes unless it's only rose scented, and the feeling of brushing my teeth, and having dirty socks

      • Bre19


        @TheKandiCollective same

    • Romana


      Cardboard! Just thinking about it makes me queasy. Fluorescent lights - supermarkets are overwhelming. Foods mixing together. Treble instruments. Tags in clothing. Wearing socks.

    • chaotic_disgrace


      static noise, mouth noises (incl. heavy breathing), scratchy clothing tags, anything lightly touching the back of my neck, textures that don't match the look (especially foodwise - I can't stand mushrooms because the mouth-feel doesn't match how they look like it should be), wet clothes, and some other stuff I can't remember rn

      • Bre19


        @chaotic_disgrace same

    • xander292


      Having somebody eat and breathe really loud while they're next to me.

    • domthecomic


      My own hair touching my skin blow dryers too many things to list rn I will tell you later

    • katitomato


      Touching chalk or even worse a chalk board. Also withdrawals where you can feel your own skin, like having a really bad flu. Big yikes on those for me!

    • cogsquatparsnip


      Being wet ,Having no socks on my feet ,tags on clothes,loud noise

      • Bre19


        @cogsquatparsnip same

    • ZakkityZak


      Tags in clothes! Absolute nightmare, so many clothes of mine have holes from where I ripped the tag out coz manufacturers seem to think the tag and the clothes should be integrated like rebar in concrete 😂

    • Ziggy_B


      Scratching my nails on poster like paper, it's almost like nails on a chalkboard type of reaction.

    • Laura1999


      Touching anything after I've washed my hands, light touches like if someone softly brushes my hand by accident feeling anything on my neck, chewing even if it's me I have to use headphones whilst I'm eating, I can explain it but go through times where I can stand anything crunchy in my mouth, I have to wear shoes or slippers with a sole everywhere can't stand the feel of my foot even in socks on the floor, Styrofoam, velvet and silk 🤮 that's a few aha

    • SherlockHomie


      Soft foods with lumps 🤐

      • Bre19


        @SherlockHomie same

    • AimeeB


      Touching paper after freshly washing my hands, chalk, overlapping sounds, tight clothing, sudden lighting changes... I think that's it. Weirdly I love to listen to loud music.

    • Scullyitsme


      Wet clothes 🤢

    • Randy42069


      Mine is stepping in liquid with socks and if it touches my pants

    • Loulabelle


      Chalk 🤢

    • Str4wb3rry


      I have quite a few. Mine include: The sound of cutlery scraping against plates. Chewy foods (but not gum weirdly enough). Slimy textures. The feeling of cotton balls. Crumbs on the floor. Wet socks or sleeves. Loud noises. Styrofoam. Oily textures. Sticky hands. (Sorry this was so long).

      • Randy42069


        @Str4wb3rry or wet pant legs

    • Pluto_134340


      W e t eggs while washing dishes and multiple layers of clothing. I can't do it I can literally feel each layer rubbing together

    • KayNF


      Being near a bottle bank when it gets unloaded and then bird scarer or fireworks goes off and not have my earpugs or headphones or my loops, or any lound noise that I can not get way form. Or getting lost in a shop can’t find the person I am with.

    • Thymee


      I absolutely hate drying off after taking a shower. Sharing itself is fine and I love water, but that half dry feeling on your skin? Terrible

      • Thymee


        @Thymee *showering itself

    • djtherandomraven


      Slime,can't do it. I know there's more but I'm drawing a blank right now.

    • abi07x


      really crowded and loud places and a weird one squishy grapes

      • Bre19


        @abi07x same

      • alldeadalldead


        @abi07x squishy grapes are the worst

    • Something_Strange


      Oily fingers... Grease all over my hands and no way to get it off... Also when people chew or have a whistle in their voice.. also cloth that feels so dry it sticks to you and the swishing sounds that some clothes make

      • Bre19


        @Something_Strange that is giving me the icks

    • Bre19



    • EliteLexy


      The wet socks thing! This is one of my big ones. Also, the sound of our large dog licking himself and many others

    • mamabear1990


      Wet clothes of any sort but particularly socks as it means I haven't noticed it and adds shock factor, crumbs in the bed, that weird swish sound when you have waterproof coats rub against itself as you walk and any bottoms sounding similar ... I can't wear coat hoods for the same reason, wrong texture food like when you bite an apple it's meant to crunch not be soft or feel vaguely gritty makes me heave and panic (why do pears smell and taste nice but feel like sand?) , some kinds of microfiber, new toothbrushes, stuff under my nails from when I clean or cook, very slimy or bland food makes me want to cry, complex noises like 2-3 noises at once or more from talking to a foot tapping, loud noises and also crowded places like everyone's loud mumbling away and bumping into me every two seconds

    • tigershark98


      The dentist aunt I had as a kid who would take 45 minutes to 90 minutes to clean my teeth (something that takes a normal dentist 15-25 minutes) when every single “flavor” of cleaning crap was absolute torture, and she also insisted on rubbing it all over my tongue every time at the end or halfway through, to “clean my tongue.” And yes, I also have lifelong ARFID, like another poster. I believe she would also angrily make comments about how “terrible” my teeth were. After I was 10, we started going to other dentists & then moved a million times, and I discovered that no other dentist was ever like her… My sister said she got sued or shut down or something. A few other sensory-hell things for me are: touching soaps / shampoo / body wash / gels, tasting anything that isn’t a “safe food” (ARFID), and hearing or smelling specifically gum that someone is chewing.

    • AnimalBoy


      Styrofoam is horrible to every single sense and it's even worse combined with the sound of cardboard. Chalk is somehow worse because my PICA wants me to eat it but touching it is hortible.

    • SalineTurnip


      When my nails touch paper. Makes me want to cry. Also a great many deal of foods (I have ARFID). The worst is probably coconut but apples are a close second. Anything gritty like that, including pears.

    • Maddieisbest


      Loud noises, Styrofoam, wet clothes, slimy food

      • Bre19


        @Maddieisbest I can't stand any of those

    • Opalbinia


      Loud noises in general, lots of people talking in the same room at once, touching wet food in the sink (no just no I'm shivering just thinking about it) Basically everything where I get liquid on me when I don't want to.

      • Anura


        @Opalbinia I'm also horrified by wet food on dishes 😖 I even used to wash dishes at two different food service jobs I had and I never did get over the icky feeling in my soul of touching a wet bread crust or something

    • WhoKnows


      Anything between my toes I've been known to fall down if a string or blade of grass gets between my toes

      • Bre19


        @WhoKnows I can't stand that feeling

    • MultiMato


      I’m a Veterinary Assistant. Any contact with dog saliva. The absolute worst.

      • Atheris


        @MultiMato YAS! I'll clean up poop any day but the feel of hot dog slober is terrible. Especially when you can't move because you are restraining.

    • Atheris


      Loud sounds. I startle badly at even minor unexpected sirens or pops

    • Nuclearsnot


      Lenticular printings, which are those pictures that look like they move when you do. Even when somebody else touches them it makes this awful noise that I can feel in my brain

    • Starcycle


      Liquid and socks, I'm with you there, and skin-on-skin rubbing. And not just when I'm rubbing my own skin, either, the texture of the sound of other people rubbing is awful too. People filing their nails also has an awful sound texture.

      • Bre19


        @Starcycle gross

      • Anura


        @Starcycle Nail filing sounds are cursed 😖 I love the concept of a sound texture, I never thought of that before but it's totally how I process sound too!

    • dannnagi


      Sirens! Of any kind siren head genuinely traumatized me as a kid I had to turn off amber alerts on my phone bc I would have panic attacks. Also the sound of electricity hurts my ears sm

      • Ash.G


        @dannnagi I have been wondering how to turn off amber alert without turning off tornado watch.

      • Bre19


        @dannnagi so sorry

    • Korbyn


      The sound you hear if tissue or paper towel rubs on your teeth. Crumbs on my blankets or couch. Clothes pulling on my leg hair (I literally only shave bc of my clothes. Chewing noises. Sudden loud sounds. Parts of my body getting wet when I'm not wanting them to be (like when my dog sniffs my arm and his nose is wet) stepping on even one crumb.

    • mob


      i cant put Qtips in my ears because of the sound, i hate the sound of clothing being rubbed especially if its near my head lol

    • alldeadalldead


      vacuums (or anything similar sounding, like hair dryers or blenders) the sound makes my skin crawl and sometimes it gets so bad I'll physically start to gag i also hate the feeling of tissues or paper towels, especially if they've been in someone's pocket ⚰️


      • Bre19


        @alldeadalldead yess

      • alldeadalldead


        @alldeadalldead also crumbs on the floor, and stepping on them. I will not go into the kitchen if the floor is dirty because I will and have cried because of the crumbs

        • Bre19


          @alldeadalldead I hate it

      • Atheris


        @alldeadalldead tight things. Wearing hose or leggings gives me bad restless leg syndrome. I just hate clothes generally and wear the least I can get away with. I'm also a texture person when in comes to food. Even something good with a gross feel I can't eat. Like easy over eggs. Blah

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