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Updated 11mo ago

Looking for Support with Mental Health Struggles

Hey! Saw an ad for this and thought it was something nice to try. I struggle with some more than others and they fluctuate, and I also struggle to have some properly diagnosed and/or treated. Being female or honestly any marginalized group is important to me because we have such different experiences usually, as well as how some conditions affect one gender on average differently than another. I don’t have any specific questions, just want to maybe meet people with similar experiences as mine in our struggles

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Hi welcome! It’s nice to meet you I’m Izzy! ☺️



Hi! I’m glad you are here! I definitely struggled being a Latina woman getting any diagnosis. Especially after being diagnosed with anxiety, that’s all other doctors and psychiatrists seem to see. The fluctuating symptoms on a day to day basis is so frustrating and makes it hard. I’m sorry you struggle too! Best wishes ❤️



SAME. Everything is allllways anxiety. It can effect maaaaaaany things but it is not always the sole cause. Rarely. I fee your pain a little but even i have a little more privilege being a white woman, which i hate that i have this privilege and that there’s that divide in the first place :/ i wish there was a way to be heard anonymously to help remove biases but you can’t really :/



Very true! The reason why women face so much discrimination and abuse in the medical industry is because we weren’t included in clinical trials until the 90’s! As a result, not much is known about us and our bodies. It took me years to get diagnosed with POTS/hEDS. I had countless people tell me to “just stand up slow/drink more water,” and, “it’s just your anxiety. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re a hypochondriac.” As a result I ended up in the ER on many occasions needing IVS because I could barely sit up. I even had a male doctor tell me that I “was a young girl so I probably just had an eating disorder,” simply based off the fact that I hadn’t eaten breakfast that morning because I was too sick to stomach anything. I’ve also been denied lab tests and procedures. I scheduled an appt with my neurologist and she /immediately/ knew what was up and referred to a cardiologist who was educated on POTS. Getting the help we need is always such a hassle when it shouldn’t be. Unfortunately, it will continue to be until more research is done and plain ignorance is educated. Wishing everyone the best on their diagnoses and general health <3



Hello! I also just downloaded this app today because of an ad I saw on Instagram lol. Welcome!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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