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Paresthesia is an abnormal sensation on the skin. It could be a feeling such as needles, burning, weakness, tingling, or the sensations of a limb "falling asleep". It usually resolves by changing positions, due to a release of pressure that was put on the nerve. If paresthesia persists, there could be an underlying medical condition causing it. Chronic paresthesia may be caused due to radiculopathy, when the nerve roots become compressed, irritated or inflamed due to a disk herniations, narrowing of the spinal canal and any compression on the nerves. Neuropathy, which is often caused due to diabetes, could also cause paresthesia.
75 people with Paresthesia
Symptoms may include numbness, weakness, tingling, burning or cold sensation affecting, usually, the hands, arms, legs and feet.
Paresthesia diagnosis is based upon findings from medical history and physical examination. Further evaluation may include imaging tests, blood work, and spinal tap.
Treatment depends on the underlying cause. If paresthesia is caused due to an underlying disease, treating that disease may ease the symptoms.
☝ We provide information on prescription and over-the-counter medicines, diagnosis, procedures and lab tests. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
National Institutes of Health ∙ World Health Organization ∙ MedlinePluse ∙ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
☝ All information has been reviewed by certified physicians from Alike
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