What is it?

Cerebrovascular disease refers to a group of conditions, diseases, and disorders that affect the blood vessels and blood supply to the brain. If a blockage, malformation, or hemorrhage prevents the brain cells from getting enough oxygen, brain damage can result. Late Effects of cerebrovascular disease may include problems in intellectual abilities, emotions and personality in addition to physical difficulties such as walking and talking, depending on the area that was damaged in the event.

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Late Effects of Cerebrovascular Disease.

Additional names

This group contains additional names:
- Late Effect of Cerebrovascular Disease-Monoplegia of Upper Limb affecting Dominant Side
- Late Effect of Cerebrovascular Disease-Monoplegia of Upper Limb
- Late Effect of Cerebrovascular Disease-Monoplegia of Upper Limb affecting Non-Dominant Side
- Late Effect of Cerebrovascular Disease-Monoplegia of Lower Limb

Signs & symptoms

There could be problems with speech and language such as difficulty to find the right word to say, to name an object, or to understand others. Some skills may be impaired such as calculation, reading or writing. Difficulties in swallowing may be present. Problems in short term memory, verbal memory, visual memory or recalling information may also be present. Neglect, or the ability to pay attention to the whole visual field can be affected as well as the vision, problem solving and reading. There could be even personality changes and depression.


After the person is diagnosed with a cerebrovascular disease and given the appropriate treatment, they should be further monitored and evaluated for long term damage by anamnesis and physical and neurological examination.


Rehabilitative therapy typically begins in the acute-care hospital once the condition has stabilized, often within 48 hours after the stroke. A post-stroke rehabilitation helps the patient relearn skills that are lost after the damage that occured to the brain. The rehabilitation plan includes a variety of specialists such as a physician, a nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech-language pathologist, vocational therapist, social worker and psychologist.

☝️ This is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your physician before making any medical decision.

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