What is it?

Triple X syndrome, or trisomy X, is a genetic disorder affecting women which instead of having only two copies of the X chromosome, have three of it.
Most of the women who have the syndrome do not experience any symptoms while the minority may suffer from developmental delay, seizures or kidney problems.

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Additional names

This group contains additional names:
- Triple X Syndrome

Signs & symptoms

Symptoms vary and may include being tall, intellectual disabilities, behavioral problems, developmental delay, learning disabilities, vertical epicanthal folds, widely spaced eyes, flat feet, hypotonia, seizures, kidney problems and premature ovarian failure.


Diagnosis is based upon findings from medical history and physical examination. Further evaluation may include genetic testing.


The syndrome itself has no cure, as there is no way to change the number of chromosomes. Treatment depends on the individual symptoms and needs of each patient.

☝️ This is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your physician before making any medical decision.

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