What is it?

Japanese encephalitis is an infection of the brain caused by a virus spread by mosquito bites. Most commonly found in rural areas of southeast Asia, the Pacific islands, and the Far East, it is very rare in travelers.

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Signs & symptoms

Typically, people who have been infected with the Japanese encephalitis virus experience no symptoms or mild, short-lived symptoms.

As the infection spreads to the brain, about one out of every 250 people infected with Japanese encephalitis develops more severe symptoms.

A few days to a few weeks after infection, this usually happens.

The following symptoms can occur:

a high temperature (fever)

Seizures (fits)

Neck stiffness and confusion

Incapacity to speak

Body parts shake uncontrollably (tremor)

A weakness or paralysis of the muscles


In most cases, JE is diagnosed by testing serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for virus-specific IgM antibodies. In general, JE virus IgM antibodies are detectable three to eight days after onset of illness and persist for 30 to 90 days, although longer persistence has been documented.


Currently, there is no cure for Japanese encephalitis. As the body fights off the infection, treatment involves supporting its functions.
To prevent Japanese encephalitis, you should be vaccinated before visiting a place where there is a risk of infection.

☝️ This is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your physician before making any medical decision.

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