What is it?

Neuropathy, in general, is damage and disfunction of nerves in the peripheral nervous system.
The peripheral nervous system, sends information from the central nervous system to the rest of the body, and also send sensory information to the central nervous system.
The nerves damaged can include all three type of nerves (motor nerves, sensory nerves and autonomic nerves), and the damage causes numbness, tingling, muscle weakness and pain in the affected area.
Hereditary neuropathies are a group of inherited disorders affecting the peripheral nervous system. Hereditary neuropathy is divides to categories - motor and sensory neuropathy, sensory neuropathy, motor neuropathy, sensory and autonomic neuropathy.
In idiopathic neuropathy, peripheral nervous system are affected and no obvious underlying etiology is found.
Neuropathy is also a result of many other conditions, such as genetic diseases, diabetes, trauma, infections, autoimmune diseases, specific medications (some antibiotics, for example) and vascular disorders.

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Signs & symptoms

Tingling, pain (Sharp, burning, throbbing, stabbing or electric-like), changes in sensation, inability to feel pain, sensitivity to touch, loss of coordination, muscle weakness, muscle twitching, paralysis, loss of muscle tone, low blood pressure, abnormal heart rate, sweating without relation to the temperature, problems with bladder, problems with digestion, nausea, vomiting, sexual disfunction.


Patient's history including symptoms, lifestyle, toxins, family history of nervous system (neurological) diseases.
Physical exam including full neurologic exam, tendon reflexes, muscle strength, muscle tone, ability to feel certain sensations, posture and coordination.
Blood tests to detect vitamin deficiencies, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and other indications of conditions that can cause peripheral neuropathy.
Imaging tests including CT or MRI scans to look for herniated disks, pinched (compressed) nerves, tumors or other abnormalities affecting the blood vessels and bones.
Nerve function tests and biopsy to look for abnormalities.
Genetic tests are important for finding hereditary diseases.


Treatment to neuropathy is mostly symptomatic.
Medications such as pain relievers, anti-seizure medications, topical treatments and antidepressants.
Physical therapy to treat muscle problems and improve the overall movement.
Surgery in cases of pressure on nerves or tumors.
Plasma exchange and intravenous immune globulin in cases of autoimmune or inflammatory diseases that affect peripheral nerves.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a treatment electric current at varying frequencies.

☝️ This is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your physician before making any medical decision.

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