What is it?

Gastric cancer is the third leading cause of cancer mortality and the leading cause of infection-associated cancers. Gastric intestinal metaplasia is an intermediate precancerous gastric lesion in the gastric cancer cascade. Although the risk of gastric cancer is increased in patients with gastric intestinal metaplasia, the absolute risk is modest. specific subsets of patients with gastric intestinal metaplasia may be at higher risk for progression.

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Signs & symptoms

Gastric and intestinal metaplasia usually does not cause specific symptoms and is often found incidentally in patients undergoing gastroscopy for complaints of upper abdomen pain. However, intestinal metaplasia is associated with gastric hypochloridria (lack of gastric acid), which may result with bacterial overgrowth and symptoms such as bloating, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea.


The diagnosis of gastric intestinal metaplasia may be suspected based on endoscopic findings, but it is established by histology. High-quality endoscopy examination is needed improve detection.


In individuals with high-risk gastric intestinal metaplasia we perform surveillance gastroscopy at the three year interval

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