What is it?

Phosphate is a substance which is electrically charged and contains the mineral phosphorus. Phosphorus is used in the body to build and strengthen the teeth, bone and cell membranes. We get phosphorus from the food we eat, and the kidney releases any extra amount of it.
Hyperphosphatemia is a condition in which there are high phosphorus levels in the blood. Hyperphosphatemia could be a sign of chronic kidney disease. Other causes include low parathyroid hormone, cell damage, high vitamin D levels, laxative use diabetic ketoacidosis, injuries and wide infections. In people with high levels of phosphorus in their blood, there could be bone and muscle problems, heart attack and stroke.
Hypophosphatemia is a condition in which there are low phosphorus levels in the blood. In people with low levels of phosphorus in their blood, there could be bone and muscle problems, heart failure, respiratory failure, seizures, or comas. It could be caused due to recovery from diabetic ketoacidosis, chronic alcoholism, burns, respiratory alkalosis, malnutrition, hyperparathyroidism, Cushing syndrome, hypothyroidism, Vitamin D deficiency, hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, and long temg use of diuretics and antacids. If left untreated, hypophosphatemia may cause rickets.

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Additional names

This group contains additional names:
- Hyperphosphatemia
- Hypophosphatasia
- Rickets

Signs & symptoms

Symptoms of hyperphosphatemia may include muscle cramps, numbness and tingling around the mouth, bone and joint pain, weak bones, rash and itchy skin. Symptoms of hypophosphatemia may include muscle and bone weakness, muscle depletion, confusion, seizures, numbness, heart failure and muscle pain.


High or low levels of phosphate are diagnosed with a simple blood test for electrolyte levels.


Treatment for hyperphosphatemia include reducing the amount of phosphate in the diet, dialysis to remove extra phosphate, and medications that lower the amount of phosphate absorbed in the intestines. Treatment for hypophosphatemia include oral phosphorus supplementation or in more severe cases IV phosphorus supplements.

☝️ This is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your physician before making any medical decision.

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