What is it?

The metatarsus is a group of bones in the middle section of the foot. Each foot has five metatarsal bones, each connected to the phalanges of the toes. Congenital Metatarsus adductus refers to a condition where the metatarsal bones are turned toward the middle of the body. This causes a visible deformity, and both feet are often affected.

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Congenital metatarsus adductus.

Signs & symptoms

sings and symptoms of metatarsus adductus may include: Curved shape of the foot- the front part of the foot (forefoot) points inward and might be turned slightly under. The inside of the foot appears caved in, while the outside of the foot is more rounded.


Metatarsus adductus can be diagnosed through a physical exam. Signature signs of this condition include the high arch and a visibly curved and separated big toe. A physician can assess the degree of metatarsus adductus by testing the foot's range of motion. There are two types of this condition: flexible and nonflexible. In a flexible metatarsus adductus, the foot can be straightened up manually. In the nonflexible kind, the foot is stiff and doesn’t return to its normal position with manual force.


Treating metatarsus adductus may mainly include Stretching exercises. However, the condition goes away by itself in most children. Treatment with casts or special shoes is occasionally needed. Surgery is rarely necessary but can be recommended for children aged four or older with severe deformities.

☝️ This is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your physician before making any medical decision.

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