What is it?

Vaginal carcinoma in situ is (CIS), or Ta, is the earliest stage of squamous cell cancer of the vagina. Vaginal cancer is not very common. In this early stage, the abnormal cells are found only in the outermost layer and have not yet invaded the deeper layers of the cervix. From this stage, the disease can progress to invasive carcinoma, if left untreated. Risk factors may include older age, HPV infection, ang exposure to DES as a fetus. There are more aggressive HPV strains, which are more likely to develop into malignancies compared to more benign strains that tend to cause genital condyloma.

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Carcinoma in situ of Vagina.

Additional names

This group contains additional names:
- Severe dysplasia of vagina
- Cancer in situ of vagina

Signs & symptoms

Vaginal carcinoma in situ symptoms may include abnormal uterine bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge, pain during sexual intercourse, pain when urination, pelvic pain, lump in the vegina and constipation. In the beginning though, usually women do not present with any symptom.


Vaginal CIS diagnosis starts with medical history and a pelvic examination, including pelvic US. Next, a Pap smear and HPV Type DNA to look for the specific virus strain. A colposcopy is a procedure that allows viewing the cervix with a special magnifying tool called a colposcope. During colposcopy, some tissue is sent for biopsy. Later, if cancer is diagnosed, imaging tests are done to see if the tumor has spread.


Treatment for vaginal carcinoma in situ usually includes surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

☝️ This is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your physician before making any medical decision.

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