What is it?

Bladder carcinoma in situ is (CIS), or Ta, or Tis bladder carcinoma, is the earliest stage of squamous cell cancer of the bladder. In this early stage, the abnormal cells are found only in the outermost layer and have not yet invaded the deeper layers of the bladder. From this stage, the disease can progress to invasive carcinoma, if left untreated. Risk factors may include smoking, radiation to the pelvis area, exposure to certain chemicals, exposure to pioglitazone medication, arsen, being male, chronic bladder infections (such as Schistosomiasis), bladder birth defects, genetics and family history.

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Carcinoma in situ of Bladder.

Additional names

This group contains additional names:
- Cancer in situ of urinary bladder

Signs & symptoms

Symptoms of bladder CIS may inlcude bladder irritabilty urinary frequency, urgency, pain while urinating. Rarely, hematuria, which is the presence of blood in urine, is seen.


Bladder CIS is diagnosed by biopsies of the abnormal areas, detected by cystoscopy.


Treament of bladder CIS begins with transurethral resection (TUR), biopsy with electrical (cautery) or laser thermal destruction of all visualized cancer. If there are extensive multiple superficial cancers or if the CIS was unresponsiveness to prior therapy, Radical cystectomy (complete removal of the bladder) may be done..

☝️ This is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your physician before making any medical decision.

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