What is it?

The Adrenal glands are located above your kidneys, one on each side. It has two parts- the cortex and the medulla.
Its main job is to secret hormones. The various hormones help maintain normal blood pressure, produce a stress response in your body, and regulate kidney function.
There are several types of adrenal gland disorders, that can lead to a state of overproduction or lack of hormones. Each disorder appears with different symptoms and treated differently.
There are several types of adrenal gland tumors. most of them are benign (not cancerous).
Another group of disorders are overactivity and underactivity of the adrenal. Cushing's syndrome is a disorder in which the gland produces too much of the hormone cortisol, while in Addison’s disease the gland makes too little of it.

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Adrenal Glands Disorder.

Additional names

This group contains additional names:
- Hyperaldosteronism
- Bartter's Syndrome
- Medulloadrenal Hyperfunction
- Mineralocorticoid Deficiency
- Conn's Syndrome
- Glucocorticoid-Remediable Aldosteronism

Signs & symptoms

signs and symptoms may include:
* weight gain and fatty deposits, especially in the face
*purple strech marks
* skin that bruises easily
* acne
* fatigue
* muscle weakness
* high blood sugar
* increased thirst and urination
* osteoporosis
* high blood pressure (hypertension)
* a headache
* mood swings, anxiety, irritability and depression
* an increased incidence of infections
*abdominal pain
*dizziness, fainting
*mucsle cramps


Diagnosis of adrenal glands disorder may be established by the following:
* medical history and physical examination: Your doctor will ask questions about symptoms, any health conditions you may have, and any medications you may be prescribed. They’ll also perform a physical exam where they’ll look for signs of cushing's syndrome
* 24-hour urinary test to measure cortisol levels
* cortisol levels measurement in the saliva late at night
* dexamethasone suppression test: you’ll be given a dose of dexamethasone late in the evening. Your blood will be tested for cortisol levels in the morning after.
* Blood tests for ACTH levels, sodium, potassium.
* Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) stimulation test: In this test, a shot of CRH is given and ACTH and cortisol levels are measured afterwards
* imaging studies like CT or MRI


Treatment depends on the specific disorder but it may include medication like corticosteroids, hydrocortisone, fludocortisone, or surgical treatment to remove the adrenal gland or the tumor, radiation or chemotherapy.

☝️ This is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your physician before making any medical decision.

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