I was trying to find others that have the same skin condition that might be able to give me some tips on how to avoid break outs because my doctor's aren't very helpful
Have y'all ever run into the problem of your OTC antihistamine not helping anymore?
its getting annoying. I first got it when I went to the park 4 months ago and I got "hives" on my knees and its slowly spread up to my face and we Went to the ER because my family is overdramatic and they thought I was gonna die and they just said to take some Benadryl because we had some in the car in the car and I took some Benadryl I thought it would go away eventually cause I've had hives in the past and it did not do absolutely nothing we we went back to the ER cause it kept coming back and at one point it went on my lips and and it's just been happening like every single Like everyday It's just getting to the point where it's really annoying because I have to take pills every morning so they don't come and like it happens when I get super hot I don't know what's going on it's going on please help lmao
Hi, I’ve been struggling with urticaria since the end of 2021. It’s triggered by heat and pressure for me. Does anyone have ways of dealing with it that work well for you?
Hi, so for the past week I have been itching and breaking out in hives and rashes on my arms, legs and neck areas. I’ve been using Zyrtec allergy meds, it got bad so had to go get a steroid shot. Also been using calamine lotion and coconut oil, which been helping. Not sure it’s an allergy to something or what. Other than meds, is there a natural treatment that would help? Meds always give me bad side effects. It might be an allergic reaction from a bug bite but not sure how long those last.
Started getting hives after the second Covid shot for about three months . And after the booster , and till now. Hives appear randomly on my body mostly legs and arms, mostly at the pm part of the day and disappear morning time. Tried Allegra for couple weeks it didn’t feel any better.
are any of you on Xolair and still on a meds regimen (pepcid complete, claritin/zyrtec and benadryl)? if your going on to the fifth shots like me or far more, do you still have hives pop up or these red stretch mark like marks? When does this stop or what do you do or take to help? I think it could be the season change but maybe it's my body
Does anyone have recommendations of good lotions that don’t trigger more hives? Not really something to treat the hives but just like a good moisturizerizing lotion that feels good and doesn’t react badly with hives but obviously if there is something out there that isn’t too expensive that also helps soothe the skin that would help to know too! I have CIU plus angioedema so if you do too and can help with this please let me know!:)
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Urticaria, also known as hives, is a common skin condition that presents as raised, itchy lesions that can be either redisch-pink or skin colored.
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