I've been having these awful sleep issues that have been seriously impacting my ability to attend classes this semester. It doesn't really seem like a pattern, so the cause is really hard to pin down. Some days I just can't sleep to save my life, and some days I will sleep the entire day and still not feel rested. My sleep schedule has been super inconsistent. Recently it has gotten to the point where almost every other day I'm missing class because of my sleep problems. I've had depression-related sleep problems before, but never anything like this. I can't get in to see a sleep specialist for months. Does anyone have a similar experience? Any advice or ideas? I really can't afford to drop classes at this point. :/
I find it so hard to fall asleep but when i finally sleep it's almost impossible to wake me up, it's been affecting my work, my classes, meetings, everything. anyone else feels like this? or at least what might help?
I’ve been struggling with sleep for 3 months now. I’ve never been a deep sleeper but now I just don’t sleep at all. No matter how tired I am. I get about 3 hours of sleep a day. Off & on at that. Not even a straight 3 hours. I would say it’s due to stress/anxiety/depression but I feel it’s something more. The everyday headaches don’t give me a better shot at sleeping either. I actually not being able to sleep is what makes me more depressed. Either way, I’m tired of this. Forreal. I’ve got a sleep test scheduled in 2 weeks. I’ve tried sleeping pills, melatonin baths and gummies, NyQuil, you name it. It’s frustrating. Anyone have similar issues/remedies ?
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Learn moreAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the amount of sleep hours recommended for adults is 7 hours of sleep each night.
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