hey i am amber after i had my daughter in 2012 i have had severe diarrhea after I eat drink and sometimes not even either and I still have chronic diarrhea can it be caused from having my daughter I don't know the doctors say that I have i b s but I feel that it's not it what else could it be
Trying to find how to control the daily diarrhea. I take Imodium daily
I get chronic diarrhea every time I take antibiotics. I had diarrhea for three months last summer when I took an antibiotic for a sinus infection. A couple weeks ago I had to take another course of antibiotics for bronchitis. It was only a Z-Pak. But I got diarrhea the day I started taking it and I still have it two or three weeks later. I went to the G.I. doctor and they have me on probiotics and fiber and that has helped some but it has still not gone away. I have an abdominal ultrasound scheduled in a few days and a colonoscopy/egd scheduled in a month. I was tested last summer and this time for C diff and O&P and that was negative both times. I do not have a Abdominal pain or blood in my stools. It could be IBS or Crohn’s or who knows?! Has anyone else had this issue? And what were you eventually diagnosed with?
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Diarrhea (loose, watery, and sometimes frequent bowel movement) is a symptom of many different conditions.
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