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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling at College and Applying for EHCP

Hi! I’m struggling at college (I live in the uk) So I have applied for an EHCP. This is the second time I’ve applied and they’ve finally agreed to assess me which is great! I also decided to pay to go privately for my autism and ADHD assessment. I’m still waiting for the report currently but I know what they will be as the psychologist told me in the appointment. As part of this an educational psychologist is coming to have a meeting with me. Has anyone been to one before? What was your experience? I’m just really hoping I’ll get an EHCP 🤞🏻

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When I was at school I had an ehcp. I had teaching assistant support around the school and in class and had free periods/groups etc and had risk assessments and time out passes and could talk to ppl if I needed. That being said they ignored a lot of my mental health problems and I just had to leave with my ta quite often

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