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by Alike Medical Team ∙ Updated on June 13, 2023

Additional names

This group contains additional names: - One sided hearing loss


Deafness refers to total or partial inability to hear sounds. There are four levels of deafness- mild, moderate, severe and profound. It can happen gradually or acutely. Presbycusis, or a gradual hearing loss as one ages, is very common. Hearing loss can be conductive, and involve the middle ear, sensorineural- that involves the inner ear or Mixed. Temporary hearing loss can be due to excessive earwax, but when treated, hearing fully recovers. Causes of hearing loss include damage to the inner ear, caused by exposure to loud noise, ear infection or abnormal growth or tumor in the outer or middle ear and tympanic membrane perforation. Diseases such as CMV, chicken pox, mumps, sickle cell disease, meningitis, syphilis, lyme disease and diabetes may also cause hearing loss or deafness. Risk factors for hearing loss include aging, exposure to loud noise, familial history, occupational noises, and medication such as gentamicin usage. Hearing loss in an early age can cause speech delay, and it must always be checked. Deafness can be unilateral or bilateral.

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Signs & symptoms

Symptoms of deafness depend on the cause and timing of the hearing loss. A deaf baby will not turn their head toward a noise, will not speak ,will not be startled by a loud noise and will not be aware of certain sounds.


Diagnosis of deafness will start with medical history, physical examination with an otoscope to check to view the ear canal, the middle ear and the eardrum. Then, an audiometer test can be performed, in which the audiologist presents words at various tones and decibel levels to determine where the ability to hear stops. Bone oscillator test finds out how well vibrations pass through the ossicles.


Treatment for deafness depends on the cause and the severity of the deafness. Sensorineural hearing loss cannot be treated, the hair cells in the cochlea cannot restore their function after suffering damage, but there are strategies to improve the quality of life of these patients. Hearing aids such as behind-the-ear hearing aid, in-the-canal hearing aid, completely in the canal hearing aids. Furthermore, cochlear implants can be inserted if the eardrum and the middle ear will function correctly.


☝ We provide information on prescription and over-the-counter medicines, diagnosis, procedures and lab tests. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Based on the provided context, it's suggested that you might want to consider getting a second opinion or having your hearing retested. It's also mentioned that auditory processing disorder could be a potential issue, which wouldn't necessarily show up as **hearing loss** in a traditional sense. Some people with similar issues have found help through learning sign language, using hearing apps on their phone, or joining support groups. However, these are just suggestions and it would be best to consult with a healthcare professional for advice tailored to your specific situation.

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I have hearing aids for moderate **hearing loss** and also have auditory processing issues from autism. I love my hearing aids personally, but I use them with a ConnectClip, which I had to purchase myself (although apparently you can apply for grants from places like universities, charities, etc to pay for them). This allows me to turn down background noise and turn up the sound coming towards me or the clip, so I can also give the clip to my university lecturer to hear basically only her, or I can put it in the middle of a table and hear what people are talking about, but people further away are too quiet to hear. Even without the clip, my hearing aids are wonderful, I can hear music, birds, my friends' voices are clearer, and having conversations is easier. Sure, I have more wax, but that's a small price to pay for the benefits the hearing aids give me. I also clean the wax from my hearing aids by simply using dry cotton buds, it's quick and easy to do. You shouldn't have any feedback or ear pain. If you are, you should talk to your audiologist, and they should help you find a solution.


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