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Chronic Backache

by Alike Medical Team ∙ Updated on June 13, 2023


Back pain is one of the most common reasons for people to go and seek medical examination or advice. Back pain may be due to strain on the muscles or ligaments. It could also be caused due to bulging or ruptured disks, which are located between the vertebrae. Arthritis is a general condition that may affect the lower back and may cause spinal stenosis, narrowing of the space around the spinal cord. Osteoporosis, which is a condition in which the bones lack vitamin D and are prone to fractures may also affect the spine. Risk factors for back pain include older age, lack of exercise, excess weight, improper lifting, depression, anxiety, and smoking.

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Signs & symptoms

Back pain may either appear suddenly or gradually. It could feel shooting, burning, or stabbing. It may radiate to the legs and cause leg pain and problems walking, standing or sitting.


Diagnosis of back pain starts with medical history and physical examination. More tests may be done to evaluate the source for the pain. These tests may include imaging tests (X-RAY, MRI, CT) blood tests to look for systemic conditions such as an infection, bone scan and nerve studies.


Treatment for back pain depends on the underlying cause and may include pain relievers, muscle relaxants, topical pain relievers, narcotics, antidepressants and cortisone injections. Some procedures may be relevant such as radiofrequency neurotomy , nerve stimulators and surgery. Physical therapy and exercising are also recommended.


☝ We provide information on prescription and over-the-counter medicines, diagnosis, procedures and lab tests. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Some suggestions include meditation with soothing sounds to relieve tension, engaging in activities like scrapbooking or coloring to distract from the pain, taking medication and allowing time for it to take effect, using apps for self-care and mental health, taking supplements like magnesium for muscle pain and glucosamine for joint pain, resting when in **pain**, maintaining physical therapy and stretching routines, and trying holistic approaches such as CBD and topicals. It's also recommended to maintain a positive mental attitude and practice gratitude, as well as making your environment as comfortable as possible with pillows, hot water bottles, ice packs, etc.

I suffer from limited mobility due to degenerative **back issues**, which is bad enough, but I also suffer from urinary incontinence. I am starting to make myself get out and about more this spring, but would literally go weeks at a time without leaving my apartment over the winter. Between the pain and difficulty walking, and fear of an incontinence accident, I dreaded even the thought of leaving the house. The spring I am hoping that surgery can correct the incontinence issues, which actually keep me homebound more than the back pain does. For example, with the back pain I could take a cruise, but I'm not going to do so with the level of incontinence I have been suffering. I'm not boarding a boat with that many supplies in hand! It also means very little domestic travel as I do not want to wet the bed in a hotel. At home is bad enough. Male urinary incontinence is treated as anomalous which only aggravates the stigma. Note to front end workers at Walmart and supermarkets everywhere: keep those scooters plugged in and charged please. There's nothing worse than seeing a line of scooters, none of which are plugged in. I can't tell you the number of times I've gotten to the far corner of a Walmart and had my scooter die on me. And it's really to their economic advantage to have scooters charged, maintain, and at the ready. There are times I will turn around and walk out if there are no scooters. I will definitely shop for shorter period of time with the lower ticket value if scooters are not available.

Some of the medications suggested by individuals with IBS include Paxil or an antispasmodic for **pain** and spasms, Protonix 40mg, Linzess 72mg daily, IBgard and enzymes during a flare-up, Advil for pain, Pepto for diarrhea, Senna leaf extract for constipation, and Dicyclomine (also known as Bentyl). For nausea, some have found relief with Zofran, though it can cause constipation. Others have suggested non-prescription remedies like ginger tea, l-glutamine powder, Culturelle daily probiotic, Metamucil pills, peppermint candies, warm sprite, ginger candy, and deglycyrrhizinated licorice. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new medication regimen.

Some suggestions for managing back **pain** include using prescribed numbing patches, lidocaine or diclofenac, which can be more effective and longer lasting. Heating pads, hot baths with Epsom salt, gentle stretches, and drinking enough water may also help. Topical treatments like Tiger balm or a roll on called Stoppain could provide relief. Water therapy in a heated pool has been recommended as well. However, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment.

Prayers help and I am glad I found a similar community that can relate. Been diagnosed with fibro and chronic back **pain** for years but no one seems to understand. This community has been one of the best things I have found so far. Feel free to pm!

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