Recently diagnosed with TGN and doctor put me on carbamazepine but since then I have had painful lymph node swelling and my liver enzymes have spiked. My neurologist insists it’s not related to the medication, but I haven’t changed anything else and all tests for infections and inflammation have come back negative. Anyone else have issues with carbmazepine? What medication works for you?
for the past three months - I've been getting a flare around the 20th. first just zaps and tics. but any night now I will have a full blown attack. it's not my time of the month, I just don't understand??
does anyone out there have bilateral trigeminal neuralgia? what helps you?
Good morning warriors! I just wanted to say hello good morning and we’ve got this! Does anyone work full time with TN instead of getting social security? I rather go to work and hang out with my elders instead of sitting at home ruminating in my pain and becoming depressed. So social security cut me off making too much money but yeah right Trigeminal neuralgia costs a lot to care for. Anyways, who works full time with TN?
I'm 38 (today) and I've lived since I got pregnant with my daughter in 2006 w Trigeminal Neuralgia and Trans mandibular Joint Disfunction. It is always overs that triggers a flair up. the first time my boyfriend experienced me like this he was horrified to watch me take a tegretol and then 3800 MG of Gralise (gabapentin 600mg) at once and tell him thru sobs and tears I was sorry I was so messed up and I didn't want to be this way but I had to sleep it out. Today, 6 yrs later, I am off all my medicine and have really honed in on how to leave the stress and just walk away from a situation that would put me in a bad place like that again.
I just had 2 brain surgeries. I’m back at work already but still have to carry around my emergency pack in case I go into pain attacks at work. I found that I’m unsteady on my feet when bending over, turning around, or moving my head up and down or side to side. Does anyone else have balance issues after brain surgeries? I had micro vascular decompression for Trigeminal neuralgia. How do you cope with your balance issues and have to work and pretend you’re normal?
I’m a 44 year old female with Trigeminal Neuralgia. I work full time as a teacher, and I sometimes find that having this condition and working full time can be a lot to handle sometimes. Work and family keeps me going though. I’m a mother of four.
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
the trigeminal nerve is responsible for carrying the sensation of pain and other sensations from the face to the brain.
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