

Concerned about Low Blood Platelets

Hi, I received my labs about 1:20 am the other night. Everything looked pretty good. A1c:5.1; Cholesterol: 128, Hemoglobin 12.3 then I see Low blood platelets. Well what the heck is that. Mine read 105. The ledger has a range of 150-450. I now have to see a hematologist on 7/26. This is a ways off and a lot of idle time for this former biology major to research the research. My mind has been all over the place with what if’s. I know there’s no need to be in a tizzy until I know all of the intricate details but hey, I’m human. I have had heavy menstrual periods. I had Covid the end of May and received some meds and fluids through IV. The nurse removed the IV and placed a bandage as well as the ace wrap. Well they never read that I’m allergic to the bandages so I always immediately rip them off. I do this without I second thought. I hadn’t noticed that my band was filled with blood and blood was pooling. I applied pressure. The blood called under my skin. It was there for at least a couple of weeks. I thought it was strange but I didn’t take it any further. I’ve also noticed the blood splotches under my skin that appears out of nowhere. I bruise easily some unexplainable. I’ve read every article on the net and surfed YouTube until I just gave out. What can I expect at the first doctor’s visit? Will I have any answers. Other than the incidents I’ve shared, I don’t think I have any others. Those are just some of the things I found strange that somewhat correlated with what I’ve read/seen. Thanks for reading my mini series. Lol🤣🤣🤣

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