Hi I’ve had palpitations on and off for two years. Also have bad anxiety. I’ve had heart work ups with many tests and they say my heart is ok and the palpitations are benign, however they are hard to deal with and I get depressed over them. It’s a daily stressful situation. I have good days and I’ve tried everything to narrow it down to stress, food etc. I have found triggers. Would like information from someone else dealing with the same situation Thanks B.J
Hello. I've been having palpitations for over 8 years now. in the last 2 years the palpitations seem to be more chronic. and now I'm feeling palpitations throughout my whole body from my head to my toe some at the same time some not I feel it most when I'm laying down. is there some other treatment on herbal medications that I can take to reduce the palpitations. I noticed that stress brings on a lot of the palpitations. and if I drink a glass of wine that will cause pain in my chest.
Are random palpitations that come on from specific things like eating or heavy lifting normal?
I’m on metoperol er 25 mg twice daily My heart beat is still In 90”s to 108 during some days Dr thinking of upping to 50 mg but don’t want my blood p to lower too much it is in 60-80 at night usually I have anxiety too
Hello, I am new on here. I have had anxiety/panic attacks since grade school. I went through some traumatic things later in life and went on sertraline 25mg and it really helped me cope for a few years. I am now 40 and the past 7 months o have had my heart racing in my sleep and wake up with my HR at around 120-135 BPM. I then throw myself into a panic attack and end up calming down enough to go back to sleep. I have a higher HR in the day when doing regular activities like cleaning and my BPM range from 119-125. I have a resting HR around 85-95bpm. I just wondered if anyone has experienced palpitations in the middle of their sleep and is it normal?
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Palpitations are the perceived abnormality of the heartbeat characterized by awareness of cardiac muscle contractions in the chest, which is further characterized by the hard, fast, or irregular beatings of the heart.
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