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Updated 11mo ago

How do you stay focused on schoolwork?

What are your strategies for dealing with schoolwork or tasks that require attention and focus?

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Medication counseling therapy



Take my meds tbh. If not then I quickly try and get physical distractions away. I have an area that puts my mind in work mode so it's a little easier for me to work without medicine. Set timers for what to work on and when to take breaks and when breaks end. I usually put on sandstorm or Mario kart music as it's fast pace and makes me work better. Or I put on the sonic drowning noise, it works.



Sometimes I do the Pomodoro method and take like 5 minute breaks, but I CANNOT go on my phone during my breaks because then I’ll be on there forever!



Hey cool name bro ✅



So basically I have ADHD and OCD which isn't the best mixture in the world. To keep myself focused I write down everything I need to do and a certain time length to work on it and I put it at eye level to stay on task (alarms help with this) my OCD also takes over and sometimes I like to highlight it. So I'm a 15 year old female and I seem to like rainbows because I can never pick a color so I just do things rainbow. I like to do them in order Pink=month past due Orange=a few weeks past due Yellow=a week or two past due Green=due that day Blue=due really soon Purple=still good but work on it if done with the others

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