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Updated 10mo ago

How to Overcome Anxiety During Presentations?

So it is currently a Friday afternoon and I am an over thinker. I overthink everything to the point it makes life hard. I have a presentation on Monday for my Creative Writing class. I get really shaky when talking to people and my voice also shakes so it affects my speech a lot. What can I do to still look confident while giving the presentation but relaxes my anxiety?

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I personally LOVE index cards (aka note cards). I write down my key points and then build off from that. It makes you seem like you know what you're doing, while also keeping you on track. I really recommend them :) good luck on your presentation, I'm sure you'll do amazing 😁



I have found that annunciation of your words and if there is someone that you know there to look at them or think of someone you love. The word thing makes you think about that rather than the things that make you anxious!



note cards or memorization (even if only partially) can be really helpful! just focus on what you want to portray rather than who you’re portraying it to :)

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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