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Updated 11mo ago

Concerned about my recent medical diagnosis

Hi guys I’m Hayley and I’m 27 nice to meet you :) Recently I went to the emergency room for (turned out to be a kidney stone😅) and while I was there I had a CT scan done and was informed by the doctor that I had a 2.7mm lining around my uterus and it also had an abnormal shape to it.. Then I followed up with my doctor and is having my in next week to get an ultra sound saying instead of a lining around my uterus, there could be some sort of liquid tissue or something built up inside my cervix. Does anyone have/had anything like this go on with them before? I really don’t know what could be going on or why this is happening so really any information you have would be very helpful!

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I’ve never had a CT scan and I’m not sure what could be going on with your uterus. Mine is tilted so it causes a whole host of problems. Of which I was told the only real solution was to remove it. I’m hoping the best for you!




The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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