hi, I'm looking for some help managing my chronic pain and to ask for some advice on my knee condition. I was told it could ne chondro malacia patallae around four years ago and have have multiple physiotherapists tell me that's not what it is while the doctors say it is. none of my physio is working and I've been told to just use crutches to get around when I'm unable to walk. I also have back pain from a historic injury, which is made worse by having to accommodate my knees. I've not yet had any scans. is it worth asking for a orthopaedic consultant and an MRI to find out what the problem is? thanks!
does anyone else with chronic pain have a weird relationship with painkillers? i dont normally take any for pain that im used to, but when i have a headache or pain elsewhere i complain about it and my partner tells me to take painkillers. i think im worried that my tolerance will build up if i take painkillers for my chronic pain, and i forget its an option.
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
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Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages.
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