I have SVT, and had a cardiac ablation done in 2016. the thing is is didn't(and still don't) feel the palpitations. Dies anyone have this issue?
guys i need opinions. i was diagnosed with WPW at birth and have not had any flare ups until i got covid (and i am now 17). i almost fainted and heart rate went to 212 but came down on it’s own. i’ve had minor episodes since but that all max out at 140bpm. last night i had what i speculate to be an AFIB episode and i recorded it on my heart monitor to send to my doctor because my heart rate was 200-180bpm. it came down on its own in about a minute. i just had a heart echo done and they said everything was normal. i’m super bummed because i was hoping to be eligible for an ablation to put an end to all of this. waiting for doctors opinion and i also have a second opinion for an echo in about a month. am i missing something? has anyone experienced the same thing? i just don’t know where to go from here. the only thing i’ve found that helps is beta blockers.
i’ve been dealing with palpitations every day and it’s really affecting my life. i have WPW, and am going to talk to my cardiologist about it but, are ablations worth it? i don’t know the risks and/or after affects. does it actually help or have you found it made things worse?
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
The electrical conduction system of the heart transmits signals generated usually by the sinoatrial node (SA node, the native pacemaker of the heart), to cause contraction of the heart muscle.
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