Last week I scheduled my hysterectomy. Has anyone else had one or know what the recovery process/hormone process will be like?
Hi everyone, I was recently told I have suspected adenomyosis from my ultrasound results, I was wondering what worked well to help adenomyosis and the insane cramps that come along with it for anyone else? My gyno recommends the Mirena IUD but I was looking to hear about other options. For those that had gotten the Mirena, did it help at all?
Hi there, I have Adenomyosis. I recently got some blood work done and it said I’m iron deficient as well as my estrogen level is 1165, so pretty high. I already set up an appointment with my obgyn but trying to gather as much info as possible before seeing her. My thyroid was tested too so that’s normal and apparently not causing the issue for the other blood results, wondering if anybody else with this condition also had blood work results like this? Last year these results were fine but now they are not so not sure the longer I choose not to have a hysterectomy could it be changing levels to other things in my body? Thanks in advance, Tara
My most recent gyno Dr gave me two choices for dealing with the pain: - Go on two contraceptives, both hormonal, and have issues maintaining mental health along with an increase in suicidal ideation - Discard the oral contraceptive and keep the IUD in place, but experience horrible pain two weeks out of the month (once for menstruation the other for ovulation) Told by multiple doctors in several states no chance for hysterectomy since I'm under 30. Anyone else deal with doctors like this? Any tips for getting some pain relief?
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night sweats
Anxiety (Including GAD)
What is it?
Uterine adenomyosis is a condition that causes heavy, painful periods in women.
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