I've been walking on my tip-toes for as long as I can remember and the older I get the more it's fucked up my knees and my hips and my back etc etc. people have been telling me to stop for as long as I can remember but it's like my default way of walking, only time I don't do it is if I'm wearing boots and it's too hot where I live to do that all the time š«
I always get dizziness, i mean 24/24 hours. After 4 times went to ER of hospitals, did blood test, CT head scan, MRI scan then many doctors diagnosed everything still normal, and they said my case was so weird I went to psychologist in Feb 2022 after short time stay panic my mind. After doctor listen my story, she diagnosed that I got Anxiety Dissoder and mental trouble, and I took medicine (Sertraline and Clonazepam). After a few months, I felt better, dizziness reduce thoughts still there. My biggest symptoms: dizziness Btw, I have chronic hepatitis B and just moved from Vietnam to The USA for more 2 year. Till now I took medicine for 5 months with the dosage of Sertraline increasing each month. Does any get symptoms like me? Please give me some advice if you read this message. Thanks
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Abnormalities of gait and mobility.
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