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Updated 10mo ago

Grape-sized lump near vaginal opening for 5 years

I have had a grape sized lump right next to the opening of my vagina for roughly 5 years now. I wouldn't say that it hurts, but occasionally it does become pretty uncomfortable in like an achy way. It is visibly noticeable. it shrinks and swells at times. I know it's stupid but I haven't been to a doctor.... for a while I didn't have health insurance but I do have medicaid now.... I've stressed myself into fits looking up how to remedy it at home. I think it might be a Bartholan(?) cyst... but none of the home remedies I've tried have done anything. at all.

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I'm so sorry this is happening to you 😥 I've had 2 surgeries to remove and drain this Bartholin Cyst... and now it re grown smaller between the two previous locations, I feel like I'm out of options, I've had a doctor suggesting Hormonal balancing practice and perhaps meds.. I'm seeing her in a couple weeks will update🙏 good luck

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