What is it?

Benign neoplasms of the vagina are quite rare and include cysts and lesions that are not cancerous. Some of the benign neoplasms include:
Vaginal inclusion cyst/Epidermal inclusion cyst- the most common benign neoplasm. It is usually small and located on the posterior, lower end of the vagina.
Gartner’s duct cyst and paramesonephric cysts - these ducts are supposed to disappear before birth, but if it is not fully absorbed it could cause a cyst.
Bartholin gland cyst- The Bartholin glands are located on the sides of the vaginal lips, secreting lubricants. If the opening of these glands is blocked, painless swelling may develop.
There are also two kinds of solid benign tumors in the vagina- leiomyoma which appears on the front of the vaginal wall and fibroepithelial polyps which are small may grow in clusters and do not cause any symptoms.
Condyloma acuminatum is the name of the lesions caused by an HPV infection.

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Benign neoplasm of vagina.

Additional names

This group contains additional names:
- Bartholin Gland Cysts

Signs & symptoms

Symptoms of of benign neoplasms may include feeling of pressure, pain during sex, abnormal vaginal bleeding and abnormal discharge.


Diagnosis of benign neoplasms of the vagina begins with medical history and physical examination, which is focused on the pelvic area. Then, a biopsy may be taken for the lesion and sent to microscopic evaluation.


Treatment may be either conservative or surgical- Drainage or removal of cysts and lesions.

☝️ This is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your physician before making any medical decision.

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