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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling to Stay Present and Positive

Does anybody else have a hard time staying in the moment and thinking in anything else than black and white? Lately I’ve noticed myself tending to have more of a neutral position on everything from work to personal relationships. I love my jobs and I love my S/O, but I find myself feeling neutral or indifferent about things that I would usually feel more excited about. This includes libido, passion for doing things, etc. I can only see things at a surface level boringness or I overthink too much and spiral into worry. Does anyone have any advice?

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I had this same problem. And told my SO i didn't love him.. DON'T DO THAT. It's just a current cloud, you still have passion it's just being hidden rn



I do this all the time i see a million sides to everything all the time



And I'm wondering should I get diagnosed for Autism? Because after I went completely indifferent about him for a whole day and when my emotions returned it was kinda too late to apologize

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