Meet the Team: Ohad Zadok talks passion, tech, & health

Meet the Team: Ohad Zadok talks passion, tech, & health
Written by
Alike Team
Published on
November 8, 2021

Behind every great company is a great vision; behind every great vision is a founder (or three) raising the company like a real life baby - tending to it, and using years of wisdom and experience to help it grow and stand on its own.

We caught up with Ohad Zadok, our co-founder and CTO to hear about his connection to creating real, immediate impact on healthcare for all of us.

Ohad Zadok, co-founder and CTO at Alike, has a diverse technology background with extensive experience in artificial intelligence and big data. Ohad was part of the founding team and Chief Data Scientist of "EverCompliant", VP R&D of sPARK parking technologies, and part of Intel’s Advanced Analytics group. Ohad holds an M.Sc. degree in Computer Science with a thesis in the field of Digital Health.

Ohad, what would you say your life mantra is?

"A better future will be born from the combination of people and technology"

What inspires you?

New technologies excite me. People who are able to utilize those technologies to build great things truly inspire me.

What fact about you surprises people the most?

I'm a proud tech geek, but unlike most of my peers who spent their army service in technology intelligence units, I served as a combat officer in the infantry troops.

Where are you when you’re not in the office?

Spending quality time with my two small girls. I love hiking and sailing (I’m a skipper!), and I plan to get back to that as soon as my girls grow up a bit.

What would you say was the “ah-ha” moment of revelation that led you to found Alike?

The understanding that up until not too long ago, doctors took notes in pen and paper, and there was no computer involved in the process. The medical world has been computerised in the past 20 years. This, combined with the new era of artificial intelligence that changes our lives every day, creates vast opportunities for improving lives, and I feel that this is part of my personal life mission.

What does Alike solve?

Alike brings together people who are similar, from a medical point of view, and gives them the opportunity to interact, and learn from each other’s journey. It also serves as a community that is able to relate to one’s situation.

What is our biggest healthcare challenge?

The healthcare world is experiencing an explosion of data in the past few years and we must learn to use that data to the benefit of the patient. Understanding and utilizing this data to predict one’s medical outcome, or better treatment options will bring abour a meaningful, impactful change on many lives.

What should I have asked you, but didn’t?

What is your dream?

Hey Ohad, what is your dream? :)

My dream is to build a strong, sustainable company that does nothing but good in the world.

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