Meet the Team: Up close interview with Amnon Bar-Lev

Up close interview with Amnon Bar-Lev
Meet the Team: Up close interview with Amnon Bar-Lev
Written by
Alike Team
Published on
September 15, 2021

Behind every great company is a great vision; behind every great vision is a founder (or three) raising the company like a real life baby - tending to it, and using years of wisdom and experience to help it grow and stand on its own.

We caught up with our very own Amnon to understand where his vision came from and how his life journey has led him to understand and invest in the need for a real, immediate impact on healthcare for all of us.

Amnon Bar-Lev, Founder and CEO of Alike, is a skilled entrepreneur and passionate healthcare advocate who returned to pursue graduate studies at the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University after 25+ years of experience in technology leadership roles including his esteemed position as the former President of Check Point, a $15B publicly traded technology company, where he grew revenue from $500M to $2B over his 12-year tenure.

Amnon, what would you say your life mantra is?

"Technlogy can, and should change the world to improve human lives"

What inspires you?

The ability of the human mind to deal with challenges and to reach insights. The way we are able to intake facts, and use our analytical skills and intuition to constantly invent and discover new things fascinates me.

What fact about you surprises people the most?

The fact that at the age of 56, after managing and leading a multi-billion dollar company, I went back to school and studied alongside young students at the Tel Aviv Medical Faculty.

Where are you when you’re not in the office?

That's easy - at sea sailing my sports catamaran.

What would you say was the “ah-ha” moment of revelation that led you to found Alike?

When I learned that only about 30% of meds provided for diseases are appropriate for their target patients and I understood how anachronistic the world of healthcare is, and how much can be improved by thoughtfully implementing patient similarity networks into the mix.  

What does Alike solve?

Alike dispels uncertainty in health management and chronic conditions.

What is our biggest healthcare challenge?

We are all alike but also very different from each other. The ability to gain information that's personally right and relevant to me is a huge challenge that must be solved through personalized health care solutions.

What should I have asked you, but didn’t?

What would make your day, year, or decade?

Well Amnon, what would it be? :)

Sitting in a coffee shop and overhearing two people talk about how much Alike has changed their lives for the better.

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