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Updated 10mo ago

Wheezing and Crackling Noise While Breathing

Hi, so i have this wheezing crackling noise when i inhale and also exhale, along with this cold tickling sort of sensation while breathing. It started maybe 3 days ago. It is worse when i lay down. I also have been coughing a lot as well. I have general anxiety so when something abnormal happens i get pretty worked up and panicky. Is anyone familiar with what this may be?

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so your first step is obviously going to be a covid test, even if you know it's not covid. that's the first thing anyone even kind of in the medical field will ask for. is your cough dry or do you cough stuff up? if you have a rescue inhaler, try that out next time the wheezing is really bad. make note of the color and consistency of anything you cough up. if you're not on any daily steroids yet, it may just be time to start. it could also be the weather, idk where you live but the weather in my area has been an asthmatic's hell 😅 your GP will be better equipped to help you than anyone on the internet. like I said, they're gonna ask for a covid test first and foremost, and you may have to get a chest x-ray. I want you to read this next part carefully and take it to heart: if you start having any trouble breathing, call 911 or get someone to take you to the hospital. I'm serious. even if you think it's probably an anxiety attack, you do not want to be at home if you're wrong and it's the asthma. don't wait until it's REALLY hard or until you stop breathing. go while you can still answer questions and give an accurate history. I promise your doctor will tell you the same thing and they won't be mad if you go to the ER for an anxiety attack, even if you feel stupid for doing it

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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