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Updated 10mo ago

Is Weed Making Me Depressed?

I feel like weed is a huge part of the reason as to why I’m feeling depressed all the time. I always wake up with no motivation to get out of bed. Does anyone else feel this way from weed?

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Yes a lil



I don’t, depression doesn’t have a cause other than a chemical imbalance in the brain. When you are addicted to something, when you experience it your brain releases endorphins typically serotonin which a lack of is considered depression. So in my mind, when smoking weed (or nicotine or any other addiction) if you already have a lack of serotonin regularly it can feel almost as if you “drop” back into your regular state making it more noticeable.



Weed was my drug of choice. I’d say the THC itself probably isn’t causing the depression for you, but if you’re using it to self medicate and cope with the depression, then the issue is that you aren’t getting to the root of your struggles with depression and only numbing yourself with a mind/mood altering substance. In order to do so and try to untangle and cope with the depression I’d say to try to stop using and once you get some clean time try working though the depression and anything such as past trauma which may trigger the episodes of depression. That’s what’s helped for me. Stay strong ❤️

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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