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Updated 10mo ago

Weed and Mental Health: Finding a Balance

What is your relationship with weed and even if you don’t smoke what is your opinion on it? For me, sometimes it can help me with my anxiety and depression but I do admit that sometimes I stay inside for days just smoking and it puts me in a fog. I’ve been trying to learn to find a balance

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I'd say it really depends on the strain and what you want to achieve with it. I'd start there. Personally, I don't live in a legal state so I use delta 8 thc to help with migraines and to help manage the long term effects of type 1 diabetes



Generally speaking my relationship with it is yes. I used to live in a state where it wasn't legal but smoked anyway and it made a noticeable difference with my pain, anxiety, and depression. I now live in a state with medical, so I'm trying to get my weed card asap. As with any meds, it's important to take as much as you need and be aware of the side effects. It's a bit harder to have good self control with weed imo because it feels good, but making a conscious effort to use the minimum amount you need to get relief can help make it a habit



personally if it’s used medically, and if the strain is specifically made for medical use, then go for it, as long as you use it responsibly. getting addicted to it is terrible, which is why i believe most people should be supervised when smoking it for medical purposes, especially to make sure that they’re not showing any side effects.



Same here



Personally my experience has been very negative- not bc of the weed itself but bc it was pushed onto me when I was asking a loved one to help me seek medical help I know it helps many people though and again, I don't have anything against it as a self treatment but I probably wouldn't willingly use it myself



Best thing is smoke every 5 hours if you can.



My experience with weed has been like 50/50. Sometimes it calms me down and other times it sends me into some of the worst panic attacks of my life. I’ve chosen to just avoid it and work through my anxiety other ways



I think people should be just as careful with weed as they are with any other medication. It helps some things, exacerbates others. A lot of people find that it helps with anxiety and chronic pain, but THC doesn't react the same way in a brain with bipolar disorder because the structuring is different from that of a neurotypical person or a person with ADHD or a person with autism. It doesn't work for me personally, my cannabinoid receptors don't work anymore after a lifetime of severe, untreated pain. I recognize that for some people, it works really really well, I just wish I was one of those people 🥲



I personally do not use it because it makes me really retarded,and i've always been sensitive to appearances,but as far as widespread usage to the masses is concerned,i think far worse can be taken in on a regular basis (booze/hard drugs),with zero personal benefit,so if weed helps you cope with life,or brings relief to a serious medical condition,i believe you should be able to use it freely without criminal consequence.



I love weed. It is the ONLY thing that gives me consistent and reliable pain relief. Genuinely has saved my life. 💚🍃🌬



Honestly, it’s the only thing that can bring me back to a normal state during a breakdown. And lately I’m just trying to be numb with it to cope



I actually used to smoke every day (had my med card) and it helped my anxiety a ton, I was very productive still. when I started college I decided to only smoke at night and that helped me with focusing during the day and retaining information. I ended up quitting for a few years and now maybe every few months I’ll smoke a bit on the weekend to relax and relieve stress but it was my personal choice to quit and use other methods of relieving anxiety nothing wrong with it though as long as it isn’t affecting you negatively 💕



I don’t smoke weed at all but i have experience with psychedelics and they actually kinda really helped me with depression, most drugs make you feel nothing but psychedelics made me feel a lot and it opened up new point of views for me as-well



Ruined my life. It should not be allowed to be used while driving or in public places. People are severely allergic and has just bring in a car belong a drugged driver and caused respiratory spasms so bad I’ve had to go to the ER. The glorification of this drug is unconscionable and pathetic. People refuse to take any responsibility for their poor judgment and behavior while high, it’s ruining our society.



AraS, I gotta say I think you're half right. Should it be used in public? No, because like you said people can react badly to being around it. I also agree that driving high is at least as bad as driving drunk. Most of the stoners I know are still productive people that live a full life and aren't hurting anyone, including themselves by smoking. It's a medication, and it's honestly no better or worse than people that abuse any other medication. Maybe I'm way off, but I really think your personal problems with pot are giving you an irrational bias



Personally, I dont smoke weed, do drugs, or drink alcohol because for me, im afraid of getting addicted. I feel like I have this addictive gene and that if I were to drink or smoke, it would be hard to stop. I love that you use the word balance! "Balance is key" is def my mantra in life. I think that abusing it or becoming dependent on smoking weed can leaf to addiction and negative consequences will abound for it. It's all about self-control and moderation. If you feel like you're losing control and abusing or being dependent on smoking weed, I would suggest going to a 12 step program or support group for Marijuana anonymous:



Feel free to dm me if you'd like to talk about it more!

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