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Updated 10mo ago

Uterine Removal for Endometriosis: Success Stories?

Hey there. Has anyone had a uterine removal for endometriosis. And it worked? Leaving the ovaries or one ovary?

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They kept both of my ovaries. However, about two years after my surgery I started having pain again on my right side. My doctor says there’s a chance that there’s endometriosis inside the ovary he didn’t see and would like to do another surgery. I can’t get a surgery right now so I’m dealing with it. Keep at least one so you don’t go into premature menopause, but if a particular side is bothering you maybe you should consider having that one removed. Isn’t in awful getting chopping into pieces just to live a “normal” life? My heart goes out to you.



Uterine removal alone unfortunately only works for adenomyosis. You would need to get expert excision alongside it in order for the surgery to be truly helpful. Endo grows exclusively outside of the uterus and that’s why the removal isn’t helpful.



So as others said, a hysterectomy does not cure endo. I did have one after two excisions though! My endo was gone so we knew that was no longer a pain generator. My uterus had normal pathology but I feel so much better with it gone. However it’s not worth it until the endo is gone too! If you have any questions feel free to message me :)

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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