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Updated 10mo ago

Using Rum to Lighten Periods: Fact or Fiction?

Distraction fact : did you know if tablets do fuck all with lighting periods or you react badly to tablets to lighten the blood you can actually take sips of rum but it have to be straight not got anything in it the best is 40%+ because the rum lightens the blood cells which actually helps through the periods now Ik this because it’s what I use the rum I use is kraken rum but lucky for me I’m used to drinking rum straight I only need to take about 4 sips 2-4 times a day depending on the period blood flow sometimes it lightens the blood for the entire day with only 2 sips of rum that’s what I use to help me as tablets do fuck all for me as I react to every single tablet that’s put in my system so when my periods start the rum gets it from me 🤣🏳️‍🌈

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I like certain rum. Tho mainly coconut rum and peach rum.



nice choices

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