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Updated 10mo ago

Trying to Understand Myself: Could I Have Autism?

New here. Already made one post on my past psychosis however I'm also here to try understand myself more. I've been toying back and forth with the idea that j might have autism but I really don't know for sure. I'm a trans man, my mum is autistic, my uncle is and grandad was from her side of the family also. Also the fact that I've had psychosis along side all this makes me feel like it may be more likely. I don't know what it is. My girlfriend jokes that I have it alot. I do get fixated on things, get over excited and feel the need to jump or wiggle my legs at the mention of my current favourite interest the game Splatoon lol. I can find myself acting more childlike sometimes and zoning out. I like to fiddle with things with nice textures but I feel like that's not enough to make my autistic yet at the same time they could be signs of some autism there. I have alot of autistic friends some say I might have it, please excuse me as I don't know loads about autism only what I've learned from friends and family. I'd appreciate opinions and more insight. Thank you.

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I think you should look up the social aspects of autism. those were the hardest for me to see in myself but I still have been IDing as autistic for a few years now.



thanks I'll look into it. I've always felt like I'm all good on the social side. I find it easy to converse with people however I've never been able to make very close friends and sometimes I get over excited meeting people who have things in common with me and whom I find cool and get my hopes up to high just to be dissapointed that they don't feel the same about me.



Also to add. I can find myself in what I call "weird moods" now and then. They can feel bad sometimes I feel very stressed and I don't know why. Sometimes this weird feeling in my gut, sometimes this feeling of being on edge just something is up and I don't like em. It makes me wonder if it's over stimulation that makes me feel that way.



we peer review ur diagnosis n accept u, in case others dont agree, the term neurodivergent is a great unbrella term to use

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