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Updated 10mo ago

Help me understand my mental health symptoms

I got Alike to help me find out what I may be experiencing or to at least manage my symptoms. I don't have any diagnoses, my only "proof" are online tests and accounts from family who believe I may have ADHD. I'm not looking for a diagnosis, I'm looking to understand my symptoms and I. I may not be going about my mental health the right way, but this is the only way I can as of right now, so, please, if you can relate to any of my symptoms let me know(or let me know if they even ARE symptoms) -difficulty concentrating -occasional out of body experiences -times when I feel I'm like somebody else whose observing me -trouble going to sleep at a good time -All my dreams have disturbing undertones -Daydreaming or just sitting and staring -Trouble with motivation, or just getting my body to respond -Thinking everyone hates me -Struggling to be myself

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I completely agree with majority of these. Everyone's symptoms of ADHD may be exactly like this, but it varies from person to person. I agree with the majority of the things you listed besides the dreams and feeling like somebody else observing me. Its alright to have all of these. They might not be the best things to have especially when it comes to being distracted with work or school, but its just how an ADHD Mind works. Its not all inherently bad though. People with ADHD are often good at multi-tasking and dealing with different things occurring around them, and are often the most creative when it comes to their day dreaming.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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