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Updated 10mo ago

Uncomfortable Air Bubble Beneath My Ribs

i gotta be honest i have no idea if any of you are gonna know what I'm talking about but. back in october (2021) i was in a one-act competition play for my high-school. we were supposed to breathe funny, rasp, wheeze. while doing so, i felt something... shift...? and i haven't been the same since. it feels like an air bubble beneath my ribs. it is very uncomfortable. it is only on the left side, so my ribs feel uneven. sometimes i forget it's there, but other times it's unbearably uncomfortable. i gained a new party trick that day- i can pop my ribs! i could feel something wasn't right, so i had a few friends put their hands on my waist and i would "shift" things back. some people say they can feel the shift, some don't. i feel it. i REALLY feel it. i've had multiple x-rays, all came back normal. but sometimes, this space has SO much air in it, you can hear it. when it shoves itself past my intestines or i pop my ribs, it makes a sound. sometimes i record it and send it to my friends, but they don't find it nearly as funny as i do. anyway, i am very tired of being dismissed by doctors. anyway, thoughts? tips? questions? validation-?

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Oh my gosh! I've never met someone else with a popping rib of this kind! I got it after playing tenor sax in stage band, on my right side. A chiropractor was able to help me get it back into place, but then it came back maybe uhhhh 5-7 years later when my muscles got too weak and it shifted back, so staying on top of a physical therapy exercise routine will be important. The sooner you can address it the better, the action of the popping and shifting around the other bones can make things really sore.



one of the doctor's started gaslighting me about it???? the others just don't know whats going on so it's been ignored :(



is there a name for this specific type of injury??? if i can identify it i'll have an easier time getting my mother to allow me to go to a chiropractor



I don’t have the same bubble feeling as you, but my lower ribs pop Ofer the higher ones a lot. Like whenever I breathe deep or yawn. Idk why, it’s painful. It sucks



Mine is because of my Elhers Danlos syndrome



I have the same thing for the same reason 😅



yo what the crud, gaslighting doctor?? That's not ok at all. Check out slipping rib syndrome. I just googled it to double check that was the right answer since my memory isnt great and it sounds like they've found a lot of helpful ways to identify it since way back when I faced it and could only get an xray. Hope you can find a doctor that takes you seriously soon, the longer it goes on the worse it gets.



thank you! i asked about the possibility of a slipped rib a while ago but it was dismissed because it doesn't hurt. i'll try to look into it more

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