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Updated 1y ago

Trouble Sleeping After Taking Adderall XR

I've been on adderall xr 10mg for about a week now, i feel like it's helping some but its really getting to me that i have trouble sleeping every night. at first i think i took it too late in the day so now i take it at 8 am and here i am still unable to sleep at 2 am. will this go away? anything i can do to help it?

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I had the same issue so I switched to 2 different IR doses per day and it fixed the problem as long as I didn’t take it past 3pm



IR might be a better fit for you? Personally I have to take a 20mg XR in the mornings and 5mg of IR in the early afternoons on my work days to get anything done. 😭 Then i crash about 9 pm.



I’d give your body another week or so as it’s still trying to make sense of it. My suggestions: continue taking it as early as possible, avoid caffeine after 5pm , try to start going to bed earlier than usual to start the wind down process earlier so you can sleep sooner. I like to listen to white noise or beach waves & meditate myself to sleep.



I'm going to see about IR instead of XR, I'm getting used to this now and taking melatonin is helping me sleep but I feel like i need a higher dose of adderall to function during the day so if this gets raised ill prob have the sleep problems again

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