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Updated 11mo ago

Toxicity or Mental Illness?

How do you know if the situation/person is toxic or if it's just your mental illness?

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I struggle with this all the time… sometimes to the point that I worry I’m gaslighting myself 🤪 It helps me to talk it out with someone I trust. Or trying to gauge how the situation is impacting other people.



Exactly! I always try to discuss it with other people I trust but the problem is everyone I know is also mentally ill in usually a similar way to me so it's still hard to tell yknow 😅



Hi! I’m currently in a toxic friendship and it’s a big difference between ur mental illness and the other person. If that other Person makes u feel like sh^t all the time when ur around them and they suck the energy out of you and mistreat u, it’s not you, it’s them. I’ve kinda developed a Stockholm syndrome towards my toxic friendship but it’s able to be overcome! Just know that ur important too and ur feelings matter. Not just theirs!



Currently experiencing this exact thing with one of my coworkers. I agree with the above comments. Do you feel this with other people? I realized I only have these feelings with this one specific person, therefore it is most likely them and not me. That being said I do think mental illness plays a roll. We tend to be very sensitive to toxic people and that is even more draining. Regardless, if the person makes you feel shitty when you’re with them, no matter what the reason, it’s probably best to step away, but do so mindfully



I would step away briefly (a week break?) and see if things in your life change for the better. If they don’t, maybe it’s mental health & not the person. I experience this a lot and it’s hard to define the problem. A therapist might be helpful too!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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