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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with Embarrassing Tonsil Stones

does anybody else struggle with tonsil stones? they’re so annoying I get them in one tonsil and it’s embarrassing cause it causes my breath to smell. any tips?

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Yes! Before I got my tonsils out I would get them often enough to annoy me. What I noticed was that they were more frequent when I ate dairy. I believe that gargling water after meals and drinking lots of water helps prevent them.



yes! i hate them sm bc like i brush my teeth and use mouthwash but those fuckers won’t leave! they made permanent holes in one of my tonsils, making me more prone to getting more bc food gets trapped in them and stuff. i use a pair of tweezers and take them out the second i notice they’re there. i don’t seem to get them as often in the past 6ish months but tbh i don’t rly know why



Yes! It’s probably more common than you think. My tonsils have so many like pockets in them that food and whatnot gets trapped in there quite a bit. It seems like I won’t have them for a while and then I randomly start getting them frequently. I can tell sometimes if my throat/tonsil feel a little sore for no reason. The best thing I’ve found to get them out is like a blackhead extractor. One side has like a little scoop like shape that makes it easy to get them out. I think they do also make tools specifically for that and water picks are also a good option for removal too. I think like gargling water after you eat is probably a good idea and you can also do it with salt water (1/2 teaspoons per 8 oz water).

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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